How to Make a Chest in Minecraft

Chests can be described as blocks that help you to store items you have obtained during the game.

These items look naturally generated in any specific places. It may come to jungle temples, desert temples, dungeons, nether fortresses, igloos, woodland mansions, underwater ruins, etc.

However, chest looks like important in this game, so you need to know the way about how to make a chest in Minecraft.

Supported Platforms

Chest Minecraft

Required Materials to make a Chest

Buckets generally can be found inside of dungeon, Nether fortress, or even the woodland mansion chests. But for those who didn’t want to look for it on that place, they’re able to make it.

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Alternatively, it can be made in a crafting process by utilizing the crafting table. There are some basic materials you need to prepare first before crafting chest in Minecraft. Those required materials are:

How to Make a Chest Minecraft Chest in Minecraft

  • 8 Oak Wood Planks
  • 8 Spruce Wood Planks
  • 8 Birch Wood Planks
  • 8 Jungle Wood Planks
  • 8 Acacia Wood Planks
  • 8 Dark Oak Wood Planks

How to Make a Chest in Minecraft through Survival Mode

While playing Minecraft, the chest can be another important item you need to obtain. During your games, you will start with filling any items gathered into your inventory.

Here, the chest can be really useful to store valuable items you don’t even currently need. However, in making a chest, there are several steps you need to take. Let’s check all the details below so you can follow it directly.

1. Open the Crafting Menu

Make a Chest Minecraft

On the first step of the whole process, you just need to open the crafting table. There you may find the 3×3 crafting grid as the place you can put the materials on it.

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2. Add Items to make a Chest

How to Make a Chest in Minecraft

After entering the crafting menu, now you need to look for a crafting area. That area is made up of a 3×3 crafting grid. In order to make a chest, you need to put 8 wood planks on that 3×3 crafting grid.

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As well as you’re using wood planks, there might be several kinds of wood planks such as oak, birch, jungle, acacia, spruce, etc. Especially on this case, we suggest you to use oak wood planks.

Things you need to consider while making a chest is, you need to put all the wood planks on the exact pattern.

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Apparently, on the first row there should be 3 wood planks. On the second row there should be 2 wood planks (make sure the center box is empty). And on the third row, there should be 3 wood planks.

3. Move the Chest to Inventory

Make a Chest in Minecraft

As well as you fill the crafting area with correct pattern, the item you wanted will immediately appear. Just remember to move that item into your inventory.

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Obtaining a chest looks really essential. But the problem will come across when players have no idea how to make it. So, just try to follow the tutorial about how to make a chest in Minecraft we have explained up above.