How to Make Cobblestone Stairs in Minecraft

How to Make Cobblestone Stairs in Minecraft – Building a house in Minecraft will require you to understand several materials that is important and possible to use.

One of the crafting blocks that you can use as a furniture is a cobblestone. With the cobblestone you can create a perfect and beautiful stair.

However, many people confuse about how to make cobblestone stairs in Minecraft. The steps below will guide you how to crafted this block.

Supported Platforms

Supported Platforms Make Cobblestone Stairs

Finding the Required Material

Requirement Material Make Cobblestone Stairs

As one of the many building blocks that you can find in Minecraft cobblestone is important to create. You can have perfect interior or exterior design for your place.

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However, to create or crafted something in Minecraft you need to know the required materials. To create a cobblestone stair, you can try to find 6 cobblestones.

If you still confuse where to find them the steps below can be the best solutions.

Follow this Steps about How to Make Cobblestone Stairs in Minecraft

1. Try to open your crafting table

Cobblestone Stairs in Minecraft

Once you want to crafted something in Minecraft you need to open your crafting table. It is the only one place with 3×3 size where you can create everything and placed to your inventory.

However, before you start to deal with this crafting menu, finding the cobblestone is a must.

2. Add item to your crafting table

How to Make Cobblestone Stairs in Minecraft

Once you already find the cobblestone place them in the crafting menu with this ingredient. Since you wanted to create a stair with this cobblestone means that you need to placed them in the right pattern.

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The guidance will be 1 cobblestone in the first row or the first box. The second row should have 1 cobblestone in the first box. The last row should be placed in the second box.

3. Move them to your inventory

Make Cobblestone Stairs in Minecraft

You cannot use the cobblestone to create the stair if you do not place them to your inventory. That is why, once you finish to crafting your stairs you need to move them to your inventory. You can find and start to use the stairs as you wanted to do.

Other Options to Create a Stairs

1. Find the jungle woods in Minecraft

The stairs made from jungle woods always be the best options except to create a cobblestone chair. You can try to create this stair with the use of several jungle wood.

2. How to create the item

6 jungle wood planks would be needed to create almost 4 jungle wood stairs. Try to craft the stairs and place the wood in the right pattern.

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For the first row will be 1 jungle wood plank located in the first box. The second row will be 1 jungle wood plank with also located in the first box.

At the third row, you can fill with 3 jungle wood planks. You can use this receipt for the best jungle wood stair.

There are many types of woods or stone that you can use to craft a stair. However, the step above can be the best methods about how to make a cobblestone stair in Minecraft.

With all of the best steps above, you need to do all of the instruction to have a proper stair. Except to create a cobblestone stair try to create a stair with the use of jungle wood as other options.