What do companies use for online interviews

As plenty of things have moved to the online environment, remote work has become a common thing and businesses have started to adapt to this new scheme. When employing completely remote employees who may be far away from the headquarters it is difficult to organize an interview in person. This is why many businesses decided to have remote interviews with their future employees to avoid inconvenience and organization issues.

If you want your remote interview process to be efficient and successful, you should use the proper tools that were designed for these purposes. Such software will make the process of interviewing and hiring much easier for both hiring managers and their future employees. You will be able to set up live interviews or even let job applicants pre-record their answers to the given questions.

If you decide to use better software, it will also contain rating and evaluation tools, which will facilitate the whole process. The best software also provides evaluation and rating tools and facilitates collaboration among your hiring team. Furthermore, it could include various tools for recruitment or evaluation of the skills, as well as options to hire or reject the applicants.

To facilitate the process of choosing the right software for your business, we have created a list of the top 6 video interview tools.

1. Rumble Studio ( https://appsumo.8odi.net/0J6XAO)

Rumble Studio is a multifunctional and super-efficient plugin whether you’re conducting job interviews, producing a podcast, or collecting speeches. This special plugin makes the preparation and recording of the interviews a piece of cake. For example, it allows you to create an interview landing page to ask questions and collect the answers in numerous formats, without any coding.

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You can choose one of the interview templates or write and record your own questions – yes, you can do it in the format of the audio, as well.

Once you have sent a link to the candidates, they will be able to answer your questions by uploading audio or submitting their answers in a form of text, video, image, etc. This plugin also has built-in advanced group permission, so that you can collaborate on interviews with other team members.

Last but not least, the applicant’s responses will be organized on your dashboard to make reviewing, downloading, and comparing extremely easy.

2. Podcastle

A good alternative to Rumble Studio is Podcastle, although it does not have as many options. This plugin has put emphasis on recording and audio editing, but it can serve as a platform for job interviews, as well. It can provide you with synchronous video calls and record up to 10 guests. It is specialized for creating video interview recordings and Podcastle’s iOS app and web-based interview recording software allow you to do it from anywhere, at any time.

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3. Riverside.fm

Riverside.fm is a plugin similar to the previous one and represents one of the easiest ways to record podcasts and videos in studio quality from anywhere just by using your browser. With this plugin, you don’t have to worry about poor internet connection thanks to local recording of up to 4K video resolution. It also offers crystal clear audio for every single guest, so you will be able to hear your job candidates loud and clear.

4. VideoAsk

VideoAsk is specialized for all types of businesses that need face-to-face interaction with their audience in order to build stronger business relationships. You can also record your questions and share your link with the candidates. By using features like conditional logic, multiple response options (video, audio, text), and contact forms, the conversation will seem seamless. Best of all, every single interaction will be recorded and transcribed for you.

5. SparkHire

Spark Hire is also one of the best video interviewing tools on the market, mostly due to its amazing analytics tools. It has some great features such as an analytics dashboard that guides you through the whole recruitment process and keeps track of things like interview completion rate, rejection and so much more. Many large international companies use this exact plugin for their recruitment process.

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6. Interviewstream

The last plugin on our list is Interviewstream. It is a plugin that offers video interviewing and interview scheduling tools to help you find the right talent. The video interviewing can be done in four eyes or with as many as 20 different participants. It differs from many other platforms of this kind because it has the feature of preparing your candidates for the upcoming interview.


To sum it all up, proper video software is a significant factor in the recruitment process. It can save you a lot of time, help you rate the candidates, prepare them for the interview or let them know if they are hired or rejected. As a top choice, we recommend Rumble Studio, which can be found at the following link: https://appsumo.8odi.net/0J6XAO.