How to Make Jack O’Lantern in Minecraft

Minecraft is a popular game due to the creativity that can be an attraction for player. The players have to follow the adventure, build, and creating something for completing the require material.

It is interesting game ever, because the players have to creative to face the challenges in every mode.

Here, you have to know how to make Jack o’Lantern in Minecraft for making your game more interesting,
Jack o’Lanterns are a tool that can be used for sources of light in underwater.

Jack o’Lanterns has the fifteen of ability for offering the light when you go to the darker underwater. It will help you due the function is very useful.

It can be used in every platform that you use. Besides, Jack o’Lanterns also can melt ice and snow as the same as other light.

Supported Platforms

Required Materials to make a Jack o’Lantern

You have to gather all of the require material for making Jack o’Lanterns. As the explanation above Jack o’Lanterns are the tool for lighting up the darkness in the water.

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It can help you for facing your challenges underwater. So here the material that have to be gather such as one torch, and one carved pumpkin. You have to find those things and put into your inventory.

The Guidance of How to Make Jack o’Lantern in Minecraft

1. Make a Torches

Torches can be made by mixing some charcoal or coal and stick. You have to make sure to that charcoal is placed right in crafting menu.

The right pattern is place the charcoal in the middle of 3×3 grid in crafting menu. Then, place the stick under the charcoal, and yes you have the torches!

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2. Finding the Pumpkins

You have to find the pumpkin by digging up it. You also have to get a couple of sheers. Remember, you have to find pumpkins in Extreme Hills or Plains Biome.

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Besides, the function of couple of sheers are to make the face Jack o’Lanterns by pumpkins.

3. Making Jack o’Lanterns

After you made torches and pumpkins, you have to know how to make Jack o’Lantern in Minecraft rightly by following this step.

First, you have to use sheers for making a carve pumpkin. You have to place it in your crafting menu. Placing carve pumpkin in the middle of grid, then you have to put the torch in the right side of crave pumpkins.

4. Making a Glow Pumpkin Head

The last is you have to make glowing pumpkins head. It will be like head of Iron Golem or even Snowman. It is important for making an unlimited head with using your creativity itself.

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Remember, you have to put your new Jack o’Lanterns in inventory, if you want to use it as soon as possible. Congratulation, by following this guidance, you already have Jack o’Lanterns

That is all the information of making Jack o’Lanterns that can be followed easily by all of players. Don’t forget to make the right pattern in crafting menu for getting the proper Jack o’Lanterns. You have to put the new item to your inventory, if you want to use it. Good luck!