How to Make a Furnace in Minecraft

Furnace is an essential thing mostly players need to have. With owning a furnace, players are able to do a lot of things while playing Minecraft.

Furnace allows player to cooking a meat, smelting ores, and making charcoal. Anyway, owning a charcoal doesn’t seem that difficult as you thought as well as you can make it in first day of survival. Here below is the tutorial about how to make a furnace in Minecraft.

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Make a Furnace Minecraft

Required Materials to make a Furnace

When you’re clicking the furnace, this item will provide you smelting menu that can allow you to do smelting operations.

It provides one field for any object you’re going to smelt it. Specifically, there is a field for the fuel and one field for the output object.

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Furnace in Minecraft

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On making a Furnace in Minecraft, there are some materials you need to prepare first, so try to clearly understand it. The materials required such as:

  • 8 Cobblestones

How to Make a Furnace in Minecraft with a Survival Mode

Furnace is a technical block that is very useful in Minecraft. It can be used for cooking food and smelting ores. It’s an important item you need to have and keep it in your inventory.

However, owming this kind of item means you have to craft it first. The tutorials below consist of step by step instruction in making a furnace. Let’s check all the details so you can follow each insturction to make a furnace.

1. Open the Crafting Menu

How to Make a Furnace Minecraft

First of all the process, you should open the crafting table. Entering the crafting table bring you to the appearance of 3×3 crafting grid. Here you’ll put the required materials in process of making a furnace.

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2. Add Items to make a Furnace

How to Make a Furnace in Minecraft

On the crafting menu, you will find a crafting area which is made up of a 3×3 crafting grid. Craffting grid is totally important in any step of making that item.

Here you will make a furnace, so you need to put 8 cobblestones on that 3×3 crafting grid. However, it’s truly important to put cobblestones in the exact pattern during the process.

The 3 cobblestones should be put in the first row. 2 cobblestones should be placed in the second row with empty center box.

On the third box, there should be 3 cobblestones. Just make sure all the materials is placed on the right pattern.

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3. Move the Furnace to Inventory

Make a Furnace in Minecraft

As well as you have filled the crafting area with that pattern, now the item you wanted will appear in the box to the right.

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Aftering getting an item you want by following the whole instruction explained up above, now you need to move it into your inventory. It’s because this item may seem really important in making other stuffs in Minecraft.

With the furnace, players are able to make anything they want and do some melting process of foods and ores.

Well, it’s not that difficult to craft a furnace as long as you know how to make a furnace in Minecraft.