How to Make a Shield in Minecraft

How to Make a Shield in Minecraft – Defending yourself in Minecraft is important. Especially, there is a lot of possibilities if you can be dead with many different attacks.

There must be other players messed around inside the game and you should prepare about it. To help you survive in Minecraft you need to create a shield that can be used to protect yourself.

Here is the answer about how to make a shield in Minecraft.

Supported Platforms

Supported Platforms to Make a Shield in Minecraft

Prepare the Required Material

Requirement Image Requirement Images

There is a requirement that you need to understand for having a shield in Minecraft. Including to get all of the required material that is important.

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You can get all of this material inside the game or you may search in the forest. Here is the requirement that you need to have such as 6 acacia wood planks, 1 iron ingot, 6 dark oak wood planks, 6 oak wood planks, 6 birch wood planks, 6 jungle wood planks 6 spruce wood planks.

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Steps How to Make a Shield in Minecraft

1. Crafting menu

Shield in Minecraft

In Minecraft you need to open your crafting menu once you want to create something. The shield should be created with all of the required material here.

The size of this menu will be 3×3 crafting grid that you can use to create everything you need inside the game.

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However, there is a method that you need to follow to make sure if you can have proper shield in the last.

2. Add the required material inside the crafting menu

How to Make a Shield in Minecraft

Everyone can add everything inside the crafting menu. However, to have a proper shield you should make sure if all of the requirement already placed in the right position.

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You need to make sure if you already have all of the required material in your hand to start crafting.

Placing all of the required material is important. That is why, you can follow all of the steps below to make sure if everything is right.

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For the first row, you ned to have 1 wood plank in your first box, in the second box there should be 1 iron ingot and the third box will be 1 wood plank.

The second row should fill with 3 wood plank and the third row should be 1 wood plank for the second box.

3. Move to your inventory

Make a Shield in Minecraft

Done with all of the process means you need to move the shield to your inventory. It is the best way to use the shield and find it to your inventory.

4. Custom shield

There is a possibility that you can try to create a custom shield. The customization including to create solid colors, stripes, borders, gradients and many other things.

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Everything can be done with only adding a banner to your crafting grid. However, all of the decorative shield can be used to protect every player from any attacks. Including the attack from other players, animals, or all of the possibilities.

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There are a lot of possibilities that could happen in Minecraft. including to receive any attack from other players, animals, or other.

That is why, you need to prepare for those possibilities with the use if shield. However, the steps above can be used to answer about how to make a shield in Minecraft.

since many of you still do not know how to create a shield which really important to have.