How to Make a Tripwire Hook in Minecraft

One of essential tools to own in Minecraft world is a tripwire hook. Tripwire hook is defined as a sustainable tool of Minecraft.

It means that you can break it then build it again. Besides sustainable, it is also a nestable item. Another way to get the tripwire hook is by fishing the junk because it’s claimed as a junk.

Are you eager to know how to make a tripwire hook in Minecraft? Keep on scrolling and reading!

The Existence of Tripwire Hook in Minecraft

As one of the tools that exist in Minecraft, it’s a tool where you can utilize it as the trap for mobs. Besides mobs, you can give a trap to other playmates and animals.

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The way of work of this tripwire hook is you locate two tripwire hooks. Make sure that the tripwire hooks are facing each other.

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After that, connect the tripwire hooks with a string. Then, you will know the other players who exist by the clicks and pulses.

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Tripwire Hook Minecraft

What Are The Things That We Should Collect?

A tripwire hook in Minecraft needs at least 8 items. The items are the combination of iron, woods, and stick. For the woods, all kind of woods is compatible with your tripwire hook, so you don’t have to gather the exact woods materials.

Make a Tripwire Hook Minecraft How to Make a Tripwire Hook Minecraft

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However, if you need a guide, here is the list of things that you can gather to answer the question on how to make a tripwire hook in Minecraft:

  • Prepare one piece of stick
  • 1 piece of acacia wood
  • A piece wood of dark oak
  • A spruce wood platform
  • 1 piece of iron ingot
  • A plank of oak wood
  • A platform of jungle wood
  • A birch wood
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What are You Waiting For? It’s a Crafting Time!

Please carefully follow this step-by-step to achieve your desired tripwire hook!

The first step: Make sure that you always start the composing process by opening the 3×3 creation grid.

Tripwire Hook in Minecraft

Second step: To complete the tripwire hook minecraft recipe, kindly store the gathered items in the grid of creation.

Please carefully take a meticulous look of the composition. Put the materials in the middle grids (2nd, 5th, and 8th grid).

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The top middle grid should be filled with the iron ingot. After that, bring the stick to the second middle row of grid. Then, in the last middle grid, place the wood plank.

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How to Make a Tripwire Hook in Minecraft

Third step: Don’t forget to carry the tripwire hook to your Inventory.

Make a Tripwire Hook in Minecraft

Congratulations, now you own the tripwire hook and ready to observe the other players existence!

As a crucial tool in Minecraft, tripwire hook is worth to collect. There are three ways that you can do to get the tripwire hook.

You can build one, break one, or fish it from the junks. The materials are also easy to access, like woods and iron ingot.

Hopefully, this article on how to make a tripwire hook in Minecraft is helpful for those who need to add the inventory.