How to Make Rails in Minecraft

Are you playing Minecraft for a long time and well-experienced in any interesting activity right there? So, you will not be surprised with mining.

But mostly players may find any problem about how to mining with easier and faster way. The answer may come to crafting a rails or minecarts.

This item can help player to travel places without running. According to this issue, let’s find a way how to make rails in Minecraft.

Supported Platforms

Supported Platforms to Make Rails

Required Materials to make Rails

While you’re playing Minecraft and trying to make rails, there will be some materials required in each process. All those materials are:

  • 6 Iron Ingots
  • 1 Stick

Requirement Materials to Make Rails

How to Make Rails in Minecraft with Survival Mode

Minecart tracks or rails are very useful in the game of Minecraft. Especially for those who love to mining in this game, his item can help you to move either to or from the mine.

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Anyway, there are several steps to making rails or minecart tracks and save it into your inventory. Just follow this step-by-step instruction so you’ll find a perfect rails item. Here are the steps you need to follow directly:

1. Open the Crafting Menu

Rails in Minecraft

First step, you need to open the crafting table. Opening this mode will give you the 3×3 crafting grid. This step is important before going to the next step.

2. Add Items to make Rails

After opening the crafting menu, then you will find a crafting area made up of 3×3 crafting grid. In order to make rails, you need to put 6 iron ingots and 1 stick on that 3×3 crafting grid.

Furthermore, you need to ensure that both the iron ingots and stick are perfectly placed on the exact pattern.

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Make sure you understand with every step you need to do. Continue these following steps to complete the process.

You need to continue with put 1 iron ingot in the first box and put 1 iron ingot in the third box. Ensure all those steps have been done in the first row.

Further, make sure the second box is left empty. After that, you need to put 1 iron ingot in the first box, 1 stick in the second box, and 1 iron ingot in the third box. Make sure all those steps have been done in the second row.

In the third row, you need to put 1 iron ingot on the first box then continue with put 1 iron ingot on the third box. Make sure the second box is left empty.

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All those steps are the crafting recipe for rails. As well as you have filled the crafting area with the right pattern, you’ll find the sixteen rails appear in the box to the right.

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How to Make Rails in Minecraft

3. Move the Rails to Inventory

Make Rails in Minecraft

After you have found the rails, now you need to put it into your inventory. However, those rails can be also used to make other items.

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Crafting rails is an interesting way to help you travel the entire place in the Minecraft. But first, you need to make sure that you have rails or minecarts tracks.

If you have no idea how to make it, try to follow the tutorial about how to make rails in Minecraft up above.