How to Make a Carved Pumpkin in Minecraft

In Minecraft you need to create something for living including to make a carved pumpkin. However, there is still people wonder how to make a carved pumpkin in Minecraft.

Before you started to create a carved pumpkin, you need to know if the use of this pumpkin is to create a table or furnace.

Carved pumpkins are one of the building blocks that you should create and here are the best methods.

Supported Platforms

Supported Platforms

Find the Required Material

Find the Required Material

Building blocks are important in Minecraft especially if you wanted to have other furniture for living. That is why, you need to try to create a carved pumpkin.

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However, there is a required material that you need to have for your carved pumpkin. Without this material you will not be able to create a proper carved pumpkin for your furniture. The ingredients are 1 shears and 1 pumpkin.

Steps How to Make a Carved Pumpkin in Minecraft

1. Find your pumpkin plant

Extreme Hills Biome
Extreme Hills Biome
Plains Biome
Plains Biome

Since the first required material is pumpkin means that you need to find a pumpkin plant in your Minecraft. People still confuse where to find a pumpkin plant in Minecraft.

There is an easy way to look for this plant as long as you already know the place. Basically, to find a pumpkin plant you can go to Extreme Hills Biome or Plains Biome. There is a lot of pumpkin plants that you can find.

2. Hold the shears you already have

Hold the shears you already have

To hold the shears, you can try to selecting them in the hotbar and start to place it in your hand. To do this method you need to position your cursor on the pumpkin.

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Once the pointer already touches your pumpkin there will be changes and your pumpkin will be highlighted.

3. Use your shears

Use your shears

The next step is to cut the pumpkin and you will need to use your shears. To use the shears, you can try to face it to the pumpkin.

However, the game control to operate this activity will be different and it depend on the Minecraft version that you are using now.

After you finish to face the shears to the pumpkin and done to carved it there will be 4 pumpkin seeds added to your inventory.

4. Try to dig up the carved pumpkin

Try to dig up the carved pumpkin

Dig up the carved pumpkin would be important and it depend on the Minecraft version again. However, once you finish to dig up the pumpkin there will be break into a smaller size and float on the ground.

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5. End the process by picking up the carved pumpkin

End the process by picking up the carved pumpkin

Once the carved pumpkin is floating on the ground you need to hurry and pick it up before disappeared. After that, the carved pumpkin will be in your hotbar.

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With the methods above, you can create a proper carved pumpkin for your interior design. However, you need to make sure every requirement before start to learn about how to make a carved pumpkin in Minecraft.

The steps may lead you into several process start from put all of the ingredient in the crafted menu until its done. The last one is to use the carved pumpkin in your inventory.