How to Tame an Ocelot in Minecraft

How to Tame an Ocelot in Minecraft – Ocelot included as one of the cutest animals in Minecraft. You can find them in the jungle or forest easily by look after them.

Because you are trying to have an ocelot in your game means that you need to know how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft.

Taming an ocelot is not hard to do with simple requirement and steps to do. You need to follow all of the steps below to make sure it can happen.

Even that ocelot known as animal in Minecraft that can bites you does not mean if it cannot be a pet. Using fish is one of the best steps to do once you want to tame an ocelot. However, there is a specific thing to do rather than only a fish as the requirement.

What are the Requirements?

How to Tame Ocelot in Minecraft

The same as other animals, ocelot would have their favorite food that you need to know and give them during the taming process.

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In the other hand, it is not simple and easy to do because you need to look for the food. To tame an ocelot, you need to have 1 raw fish in your hand as one of the tools to bring them come to you. You can try a lot of method to make sure if you can have a raw fish.

How to Tame an Ocelot in Minecraft: All you Need to Know

1. Start to find an ocelot

How to Tame an Ocelot in Minecraft

Since you want to tame an ocelot, find them in the game would be important to do and there is a lot of ways that you can do.

It is not easy to find an ocelot in Minecraft because it is not the same as others animal. Most people would try to find an ocelot even if they might have a struggle.

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Summon an ocelot is one of the best ways to do. If you cannot find them, you can try to use a spawn egg.

2. Using the fish

Tame an Ocelot in Minecraft

Giving an ocelot a raw fish is one of the first step to tame them. The raw fish should be on your inventory before you meet a new ocelot.

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Providing a lot of room for your ocelot to move is important to do and you need to tame them in a large space. Since you cannot be able to tame an ocelot if you stay in a small place. It is one of the best ways to make sure if the taming process can happen.

3. The way you feed them

Ocelot in Minecraft

You need to make sure if you do not make any move while you trying to feed the ocelot using a raw fish. There is a lot of raw fish that you can use such as salmon or COD fish.

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The ocelot will be scared if you move and they will go away from you. Try to make them do not notice your hand rather than to pay attention with the fish.

Ocelot would have specific characteristic that you need to learn. However, understanding everything about how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft is not hard to do. One of the keys is to make sure if you can have a raw fish as the required material.

You can follow all of the steps and above to bring successful method. Make sure if the ocelot does not attack you during the process.